Tzaddik Foundation

Educating the World

Lecha Dodi: Wake Up

I wrote this poem (see attached) about 30 years ago in Tsfat. I was waking up in the middle of the night and finally went to my siddur for inspiration and opened up to Lecha Dodi. Being a baalah teshuvah, I was blown away by the words as I read them in English. We sing […]

Adon Olam: Master of the Universe

About 10 years ago, my friend asked me for advice regarding a shidduch. This fellow had written an English rendition of the famous Jewish song Adon Olam and put his singing it at a kumzitz (sing along) to images captured by the Hubble spacecraft. I was blown away. It represented to me fallible praising the […]

Words of a Tzaddik: What’s with the Arabs?

We are almost into a whole month of a war between Israel and Gaza. I think it would be a service to explain the whole picture and not just report who fired which bomb when and who got killed by it. First, let me introduce myself. I am the third generation of secular Jews born […]

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